Ink and Sip

Book Shoppe and Cafe

Goblin - Mist Ward 24, Plot 35

Wednesday Evenings
10:30pm EST to 1:30am EST

After some few years of occupying this lovely old home, the Elakha siblings have once again repurposed it. For years, Teo'to and Isolde have been rescuing tomes and catalogs as well as documents and reference books from the Great Gubal Library. Now they have overwhelmed their home. In a stroke of desperation, Secha and Sewa decided to organize and sell what they have collected. If only to free up space to welcome more in the future. Sit and read, collect tomes of your own, or visit the cafe and enjoy a light snack while discussing various topics with your friends!

Welcome to Ink and Sip, we hope you enjoy your visit.

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Drinks and Snacks from the Cafe

All Meals are 8,000 Gil

Chamomile Tea
- A delicately fragranced infusion brewed from tiny yellow chamomile flowers.

Doman Tea
- An after-supper beverage naturally sweetened with dried persimmons. Widely popular in the Far East.

Buckwheat Tea
- A dark nutty infusion made from steeping buckwheat kernels in boiling water.

Rooibos Tea
- A healthful herbal tea known for its natural mellow sweetness.

Pixieberry Tea
- A perfectly steeped cup of aromatic, sweet-and-tart tea.

Thavnairian Chai
- This milky Near Eastern tea is infused with cinnamon of peerless quality for a flavorsome kick.

- A sophisticatedly bitter infusion prepared by whisking fine-ground tea leaves into piping hot water. Drinking it properly requires such finesse that Hingashi is home to many a school focused solely on perfecting the art.

Hot Chocolate
- A sweet beverage commonly drunk in the Holy See, but rarely seen in Foundation due to inability of most of Ishgard's poorer residents to procure the relatively rare and expensive ingredients.

Triple Cream Coffee
- Freshly roasted ground coffee beans percolated to perfection and mixed with an equal amount of thick dairy cream.

Melon Juice
- Paralyzingly delicious juice freshly squeezed from thundermelons.

Peach Juice
- A generous serving of juice, freshly squeezed from sweet peaches.

Pineapple Juice
- Juice freshly squeezed from sun-ripened prickly pineapples.

All Meals are 8,000 Gil

Almond Cream Croissant
- A flaky crescent-shaped pastry sliced in two and buttered with a sweet creamy paste made from almonds.

Finger Sandwich
- A take on a common meal popular amongst Galadion Bay's dockworkers.

- Colorful clusters of crystalline sugar─a childhood treat for Hingans and Domans alike.

Kukuru Rusk
- The slightly bitter notes in the kukuru butter used to make this crisp bread give it its distinctive mellow sweetness.

Lemon Muffin
- A sweet and zesty muffin made by mixing lemonette rind and juice into the dough.

Lemon Waffle
- Crispy on the outside and moist on the inside, this baked delight with a distinctive texture has a slight hint of citrus.

Peach Tart
- A round pastry filled with sweet peaches and fragrant spices.

Snurbleberry Tart~
- A colorful tart made with blood red snurbleberries.

Sykon Cookie
- A delicious treat covered in sykon jam and accented with a dash of cinnamon.

Salmon Muffin
- A buttery Ishgardian muffin topped with the winning combination of succulent fresh salmon, silky sliced alligator pear, and a drizzling of rich cheese.

Tyo'a Elakha
Age: 25
Status: Single and Curious
Personality: Stern and Introverted, but not cold.
Hobbies: Hunting, fishing, and drinking.
Fave Color: Blue.
- Tyo is the second born of the Elakha siblings, and the eldest male. He would often sneak away from the village and train in the ways of the machinist with a friend that his family was disinclined to open themselves up to. This resulted in him getting into lots of trouble. As he grew, he found the desire to be a soldier, and with the Garlean emipre threatening Eorzea with the fall of Dalamud, he could do nothing but enlist. After the war, he returned home with scars and a more quiet nature. He still seeks to be as helpful as he can, and enjoys working the bookshop as a way to pass the time.

"All that is gold does not glitter,
not all those who wander are lost."

Sewa Elakha
Age: 21
Status: Married and Happy.
Personality: Sweet and Shy, always helpful.
Hobbies: Reading, art and gardening.
Fave Color: Green.
- Sewa is the youngest of the four siblings and strives to be like their mother. At a young age she took to the woods, learning about healing herbs and magicks while her teenage years found her traveling to Limsa Lominsa to take up with the archanist guild. There she was reunited with a childhood friend whom she's now bonded with.

“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check.
But that is not what I have found.
I have found that it is the small every-day deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay.
Small acts of kindness and love.”

Quest Sjasari
Age: 25
Status: Single
Personality: Flirty, Friendly, Quiet, Caring
Hobbies: Drinking, Adventuring, Fishing
Fave Color: Dark Green
- After leaving his old home, he became the captain of a group of privateers out of Limsa Lominsa. After many years, he and his crew retired their ship and had it commissioned into their new house. Now Quest is looking to take his skills from being a captain to growing a business and seeing to see what the world can offer.

“In the dark, there is discovery, there is possibility, there is freedom - once someone has illuminated it.”

Kirin Calmvoice
Age: 26
Status: Bonded, but Poly
Personality: Cool, Calm, and Confident
Hobbies: Adventuring, Goldsmithing, Entertaining
Fave Color: Purple
- Kirin is a stray from the Gridanian forests, whose life as an adventurer eventually led him to the steps of the Elakha clan's home. Gifted with a talent for thaumaturgy and possessing a mysterious allure, he finds himself comfortable on the battlefield and in social settings. He is a loyal friend to those who he holds close, and is always willing to help out wherever and with whatever is needed of him.

"If you stop to worry, you will miss out on what is important."

Teo'to Elakha
Age: 23
Status: Single and Keen
Personality: Goofy, and Flirty, a hopeless romantic that has no clue how to be a partner.
Hobbies: Reading, Learning, Daydreaming and Spreading Cheer.
Fave Color: Orange
- Teo is the third born of the Elakha siblings, and the second male. He has the strongest pull toward aetheric manipulation and is a prodigy thaumaturge. He and Secha were sent to study in Ul'dah when he was the tender age of six. He finished his lessons in only four years but stayed with Secha til she completed her studies. While he is often away doing gods know what, when he comes home, he is always a ham and loves to make others smile.

"Tell me the story about how the sun so loved the moon, he died every night just to let her breathe."

Eohl Stormchaser
Age: 26
Status: Single
Personality: Usually calm and reserved.
Hobbies: Fishing and making use of his survivalist skills
Fave Color: Black and Blues
- Eohl first made his way out into the world less than a decade past. He initially worked as privateer out of Limsa where he met Kirin through his shipmate Kyra. Now he works for the Elakhas from time to time, just so he can get the experience necessary to open his own venue one day.

“Why is it that when one man builds a wall, the next man immediately needs to know what’s on the other side?”

Ruvira Nuhashahn
Age: Won't say
Status: Your guess is as good as ours.
Personality: Quiet, Reserved, Will flirt and take you to bed if you ply him with enough rum and mental stimulation.
Hobbies: Reading (but not really), Calligraphy, Being secretive, or is he?
Fave Color: One or another.
- Ruvira is from Thavnair, though what part he won't say. Maybe his accent will give him away? All that is known of him is that he was part of a crew of now defunct privateers where he worked as a scribe. He cooked the books, forged documents of passports and shipment lists and many others. He smuggled, pirated, and plundered until the crew had enough. Now, he works at the Ink and Sip, transcribing the books and making copies that he helps to sell.

"Just because I don't have the name doesn't mean I don't have the right."

Willow Everbloom
Age: Late 20s
Status: Single but uninterested in anything serious
Personality: Flirtatious, Sarcastic, Secretive
Fave Color: Blue
- Long ago, Willow left the forests of the Skatay Range in a fit of impulsivity and rage due to the heartbreak of unrequited love. For many years, she did her best to survive as a sellsword or mercenary, before eventually serving under the Garlean army. Her service to the Garlean army remains a secret even to her closest friends. Willow believes in love but strongly believes it's not meant for her.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Aela Bassot
Age: 28
Status: Single but hopelessly devoted to another
Personality: High-strung, stern, and stalwart. Fiercely loyal and protective of those she loves.
Hobbies: Woodcrafting, cooking, baking, “questioning,” people-watching
Fave Color: Pine Green
- Born between an unlikely union between a La Noscean troubadour and an Ala Mhigan druidess, Aela Bassot has had a troubled life. Born sickly and atrophied, her family took care of her somewhere by the border between the East Shroud and Ala Mhigo. After a troll attack at the age of seven, Garlean soldiers found her in the aftermath, and Aela would spend the next decade and a half in the Castrums of Gyr Abania. After some trouble and being put into solitary confinement for a year, she was given a rarely offered leave of service and forged her own path as an independent ranger in the Twelveswood, where her devotion to The Twelve, particularly Oschon, blossomed.

"Where the wind blows, so does their memory."

Unana Una / AKA Cadabis Dreadfist
Age: 24
Status: Engaged
Personality: Energetic, Caring, Confident
Hobbies: Adventuring, Cooking, Learning to sing
Fave Color: Dalamud Red
- An adventurer and muscle for hire, Unana used the alias Cadabis Dreadfist until recently. Always looking for a challenge and full of energy, she loves to tell stories of past fights and interesting finds. Currently engaged to Avlan Graystone and has spent so much time at the Ink and Sip she decided to join the crew.

"Don't fear the unknown. Make the unknown the known and you'll have nothing to dread."

Avlan Graystone
Age: 24
Status: Single
Personality: Theatrical, Storyteller, Always Listening
Hobbies: Reading, Drinking, Writing, and playing the Piano
Fave Color: Lilac
- His past might be a bit murky but his dreams have never been more clear. Dedicating himself to the various arts in Ul’dah at the behest of Sultanate Nanamo he sets out to leave his past behind him but old habits die hard. Nothing gets him talking like a drink, or playing the piano upstairs.

"My time in the sun is over, this is your stage now"

Lemon Kurogane
Age: appears to be in 20s
Status: Bonded
Personality: Calm, Collected, likes to listen.
Hobbies: Traveling, Hunting, Weaving Attire.
Fave Color: Blue or Green
- Lemon was born in a snowy forest village in Ilsabard. He was raised to hunt and provide for his village. Eventually he found himself with a new life adventuring around Eorzea. After fighting in the Dragonsong war, he drifted for a time before meeting his bonded Hanna Kurogane. Through her, his life became much brighter and would be introduced to Secha. He now happily bartends along side Hanna at the tavern.

“Value food cheer and home above coffers of Gil, and the world will be a much merrier place.”

Mira Stringer
Age: 22
Status: Single
Personality: Sweet, Chivalrous, maybe a bit too sheltered.
Hobbies: Painting, Reading, Making bad puns.
Fave Color: Blue.
- Mira Stringer was born of the Stringer house, a lesser known house in Ishgard due to little presence in The Holy See. Like her father and many others in her family, she was trained to be a paladin knight to serve her community. After her father's passing, she vowed to be the best paladin she could be, wherever she may be needed.

“Mira Stringer, at your service! I will provide assistance the best I can. Should you require a body guard or an extra set of hands in the field, I will be your own personal knight!”

Ali Owo
Age: 23
Status: Bonded but open
Personality: Shy, friendly, quirky, and foolish
Hobbies: Gambling in the Gold Saucer, exploring, and hanging around with friends
Fave Color: Orange
- Not knowing anything other than the name Ali. He awoke to find out he was found on the brink of death by the feared red chocobo in the Bozjan Frontier. Deciding not to look back in fear of getting injured again he starts a new life and is still learning much of the world and mainly resides and works in the Gold Saucer and exploring the world and the fun it and others have to offer. He is very shy but once he's opened up, you'll find out Ali is a quirky, bubbly and most loyal friend you could make.

"That sign can't stop me because I can't read!"

Razzberry Scone
Age: ??
Status: ??
Personality: ??
Hobbies: ??
Fave Color: ??


Salem Novachrono
Age: 22
Status: Single
Personality: Curious, Air Head, Loyal, Always looks for the best in everyone.
Hobbies: Adventuring, Learning to play instruments, Practicing his fighting skills, Reading, Telling stories.
Fave Color: Orange
- Salem has always been a rather curious boy. At a young age, he was separated from his family when he wandered too far away from them and got lost. Lost and alone, Salem taught himself a lot of what he knows, as well learning from other adventurers and kind strangers he met on his travels… He isn’t the smartest bun, but he’s certainly the type you’d want to keep close, should you befriend him.

"I get to choose who I want to be. Destiny is a book you write yourself.”